Tuesday, May 3, 2011

damn ass testing week house party

ultimate party song (well, uh, dystopian party, that is):

"Thumbscrews" by The Jesus Lizard

I'm taking the AP Calc exam tomorrow, then AP Euro Hist (SUREST FAILURE, like EVER) on Friday... then the SAT on Saturday (did they do that on purpose? SATurday?)
In light of that, I need a very flippant outfit to counteract test depression.
I wish it were New Year's Eve or something. The sparkles on this figure skater number would be sooo perf for that occasion. Eff this cloudy weather man!!!

Faux fur jacket, $9 from a consignment store uptown, sparkly ass dress, $0 (mom's), shoes $15 from a random ass store in Qimen (Taiwan) (a great investment, I wear these babies for everything), socks, uh, $0 (found them around the house)


  1. i will steal your jacket from you (watch out, man)

  2. good thing u don't live in my state! :-)
